Where is HouseSitterKC’s service area?
Kansas and Missouri communities including:
How much time will you spend in my home?
As little as it takes to visit, or longer with your permission. I often work remotely, so stopping by for a while can benefit us both.
Do you stay overnight in client’s homes?
No, not typically.
Will your work interfere with watching our home?
No, and it actually complements it. My schedule and routines take me around town, so I can plan accordingly.
Should we secure our "stuff?"
As much as you usually do when traveling. I won't disturb your possessions, and spaces designated as "off-limits" will be respected.
We have an alarm. How will we work around that?
You can share your normal arm/disarm code with me, or, you can create a temporary code to be changed upon your return. You’ll need to inform your provider that I’ll be your in-town contact.
What will become of any house keys we give you?
I won’t make copies, and your originals will be returned when you return. Or, I can securely store them for a future engagement. Alternately, I can easily use a garage door opener or keypad code to access the home.
Can you manage our mail?
Yes, and it will remain unopened. Because short-term travel doesn’t lend itself to forwarding by the U.S. Postal Service, I can remove the junk and send you the remainder at intervals you request.
Do you have references?
Yes - both professional and personal that I can share.
Will anyone know you’re watching our home?
No, though you may want to alert your neighbors.
Anything else you think we should know?
While you’re away, it’ll appear you're there. And when you return, it'll look like you were never gone. Your peace of mind while traveling is my priority.